displays information about LSF jobs
bjobs [-A][-a][-W][-w -l][-X][-x]
[-appapplication_profile_name] [-gjob_group_name]
[-slaservice_class_name] [-Jjob_name] [-Lpls_project_name] [-mhost_name -mhost_group -mcluster_name]
[-Nhost_name -Nhost_model -Ncpu_factor] [-Pproject_name] [-qqueue_name]
[-uuser_name -uuser_group -u all -Guser_group] job_ID "job_ID[index_list]" ...
bjobs [-A][-d][-p][-r][-s][-W][-w -l][-X][-x][-app application_profile_name] [-g job_group_name]
[-slaservice_class_name] [-Jjob_name] [-Lpls_project_name] [-mhost_name -mhost_group -mcluster_name]
[-Nhost_name -Nhost_model -Ncpu_factor] [-Pproject_name] [-qqueue_name]
[-uuser_name -uuser_group -u all -Guser_group] job_ID "job_ID[index_list]" ...
bjobs [-w -l -aps][-A][-a][-d][-p][-s][-r][-X][-x][-m host_name] [-q queue_name]
[-uuser_name -uuser_group -u all -Guser_group] [-gjob_group] [-slaservice_class] [-Pproject_name]
[-Nhost_spec] [-Lplicense_project] [-appapplication_profile] [-Jname_spec] [job_ID "job_ID[index_list]" ...]
bjobs [-h -V]
By default, displays information about your own pending, running and suspended jobs.
bjobs displays output for condensed host groups. These host groups are defined by CONDENSE in the HostGroup section of lsb.hosts. These host groups are displayed as a single entry with the name as defined by GROUP_NAME in the HostGroup section of lsb.hosts. The -land -Xoptions display uncondensed output.
If you defined LSB_SHORT_HOSTLIST=1 in lsf.conf, parallel jobs running in the same condensed host group are displayed as an abbreviated list.
To display older historical information, use bhist.
-ADisplays summarized information about job arrays. If you specify job arrays with the job array ID, and also specify -A, do not include the index list with the job array ID.
You can use -wto show the full array specification, if necessary.
-aDisplays information about jobs in all states, including finished jobs that finished recently, within an interval specified by CLEAN_PERIOD in lsb.params (the default period is 1 hour).