Shell mode support is required for running interactive shells or applications which redefine the
This option is not supported on Windows.
Executes the task on all hosts listed in the host_file.
Specify a file that contains a list of host names. Host names must be separated by white space characters (for example, SPACE, TAB, and NEWLINE).
This option is exclusive of options
Executes the task on all specified hosts.
Specify hosts on which to execute the task. If multiple host names are specified, the host names must be enclosed by " or ' and separated by white space.
This option is exclusive of options
Executes the task in a cluster with the required number of available hosts.
One host may be used to start several tasks if the host is multiprocessor. This option can be used together with option
This option is exclusive of options
Specify the resource requirement expression for host selection. The resource requirement is used to choose from all hosts with the same host type as the local host, unless a "type == value" exists in res_req to specify otherwise.
This option can be used together with option
Exclusive resources need to be explicitly specified within the resource requirement string. For example, you defined a resource called bigmem in lsf.shared and defined it as an exclusive resource for hostE in lsf.cluster.mycluster. Use the following command to submit a task to run on hostE:
If the
command [argument ...]
Specify the command to execute. This must be the last argument on the command line.
244Platform LSF Command Reference