submits a Terminal Services job to LSF
tssub [bsub_options] command [arguments]
Submits a Terminal Services job for batch execution and assigns it a unique numerical job ID.
tssub is a wrapper around the bsub command which only submits jobs to hosts that have Microsoft Terminal Services installed. For bsub options, see the bsub command.
You submit Terminal Services job with tssub instead of bsub. If the terminal window is closed, the job remains running. You can reconnect to view the job with tspeek.
tssub is supported on Windows and Linux. You cannot use tssub to submit Terminal Services jobs from UNIX.
If the job is dispatched to a host in which Terminal Services is not installed or properly configured, the job is set to the PEND state and a pending reason is written in sbatchd.log.host_name.
If tssub
If the job is not a GUI job, LSF runs a command window and output is displayed in the command window when something is written to stdout.
Pre- and
If you use bjobs
the message contains the ID of the terminal session that was created.
Use tspeek to view job output.
tssub sets the LSB_TSJOB and LSF_LOGON_DESKTOP environment variables. These variables are then transferred to the execution host:
When LSF_LOGON_DESKTOP=1, jobs run in interactive foreground sessions. This allows GUIs to be displayed on the execution host. If this parameter is not defined, jobs run in the background.
When the LSB_TSJOB variable is defined to any value, it indicates to LSF that the job is a Terminal Services job.
Platform LSF Command Reference 309