
With MultiCluster job forwarding model, the execution host can be a host in one of the specified clusters, if the remote cluster accepts tasks from the local cluster. (See RemoteClusters section in lsf.cluster(5).)

-R "res_req" Runs the task on a host that meets the specified resource requirement. The size of the resource requirement string is limited to 512 bytes. For a complete explanation of resource requirement expressions, see Administering Platform LSF. To find out what resources are configured in your system, use lsinfo and lshosts.

LSF supports ordering of resource requirements on all load indices, including external load indices, either static or dynamic.

Exclusive resources need to be explicitly specified within the resource requirement string. For example, you defined a resource called bigmem in lsf.shared and defined it as an exclusive resource for hostE in lsf.cluster.mycluster. Use the following command to submit a task to run on hostE:

lsrun -R "bigmem" myjob


lsrun -R "defined(bigmem)" myjob

If the -moption is specified with a single host name, the -Roption is ignored.

-hPrints command usage to stderr and exits.

-VPrints LSF release version to stderr and exits.


You can use lsrun together with other utility commands such as lsplace, lsload, lsloadadj, and lseligible to write load sharing applications in the form of UNIX shell scripts.

lsrun supports interactive job control. Suspending lsrun suspends both the task and lsrun, and continuing lsrun continues the task.

If LSB_DISABLE_LIMLOCK_EXCL=y (to enable preemption of exclusive jobs, for example), you can use lsrun to start a task on a host that is currently running an exclusive job.

The -noption of rsh can be simulated by redirecting input from /dev/null. For example:

lsrun cat </dev/null &


lsrun exits with status -10 and prints an error message to stderr if a problem is detected in LSF and the task is not run.

The exit status is -1 and an error message is printed to stderr if a system call fails or incorrect arguments are specified.

Otherwise, the exit status is the exit status of the task.

See also

rsh, ls_rexecv, lsplace, lseligible, lsload, lshosts, lsrtasks, lsf.cluster

276Platform LSF Command Reference