
subcommand Executes the specified subcommand. See Usage section. -hPrints command usage to stderr and exits.

-VPrints LSF release version to stderr and exits.


ckconfig [-v]Checks LSF configuration files located in the LSB_CONFDIR/cluster_name/configdir directory, and checks LSF_ENVDIR/lsf.licensescheduler.

The LSB_CONFDIR variable is defined in lsf.conf (see lsf.conf(5)) which is in LSF_ENVDIR or /etc (if LSF_ENVDIR is not defined).

By default, badmin ckconfig displays only the result of the configuration file check. If warning errors are found, badmin prompts you to display detailed messages.


Verbose mode. Displays detailed messages about configuration file checking to stderr.

diagnose [job_ID ... "job_ID]" ...][

Displays full pending reason list if CONDENSE_PENDING_REASONS=Y is set in lsb.params. For example:

badmin diagnose 1057

reconfig [-v][-f]Dynamically reconfigures LSF without restarting mbatchd.

Configuration files are checked for errors and the results displayed to stderr. If no errors are found in the configuration files, a reconfiguration request is sent to mbatchd and configuration files are reloaded.

With this option, mbatchd and mbschd are not restarted and lsb.events is not replayed. To restart mbatchd and mbschd, and replay lsb.events, use badmin mbdrestart.

When you issue this command, mbatchd is available to service requests while reconfiguration files are reloaded. Configuration changes made since system boot or the last reconfiguration take effect.

If warning errors are found, badmin prompts you to display detailed messages. If fatal errors are found, reconfiguration is not performed, and badmin exits.

If you add a host to a queue or to a host group, the new host is not recognized by jobs that were submitted before you reconfigured. If you want the new host to be recognized, you must use the command badmin mbdrestart.

Resource requirements determined by the queue no longer apply to a running job after running badmin reconfig, For example, if you change the RES_REQ parameter in a queue and reconfigure the cluster, the previous queue-level resource requirements for running jobs are lost.


Platform LSF Command Reference 23