
If the parameter LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT in lsf.conf is set to Y or y, the standard error output of a job is written to the file you specify as the job runs. If LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not set, it is written to a temporary file and copied to the specified file after the job finishes. LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not supported on Windows.

If you use the special character %J in the name of the error file, then %J is replaced by the job ID of the job. If you use the special character %I in the name of the error file, then %I is replaced by the index of the job in the array if the job is a member of an array. Otherwise, %I is replaced by 0 (zero).

If the current working directory is not accessible on the execution host after the job starts, LSF writes the standard error output file to /tmp/.

NOTE: The file path can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX and Linux, or up to 255 characters for Windows, including the directory, file name, and expanded values for %J (job_ID) and %I (index_ID).

-eoerror_file Specify a file path. Overwrites the standard error output of the job to the specified file.

If the parameter LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT in lsf.conf is set to Y or y, the standard error output of a job is written to the file you specify as the job runs, which occurs every time the job is submitted with the overwrite option, even if it is requeued manually or by the system. If LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not set, it is written to a temporary file and copied to the specified file after the job finishes. LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not supported on Windows.

If you use the special character %J in the name of the error file, then %J is replaced by the job ID of the job. If you use the special character %I in the name of the error file, then %I is replaced by the index of the job in the array if the job is a member of an array. Otherwise, %I is replaced by 0 (zero).

If the current working directory is not accessible on the execution host after the job starts, LSF writes the standard error output file to /tmp/.

NOTE: The file path can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX and Linux, or up to 255 characters for Windows, including the directory, file name, and expanded values for %J (job_ID) and %I (index_ID).

-ext[sched] "external_scheduler_options"

Application-specific external scheduling options for the job.

To enable jobs to accept external scheduler options, set


You can abbreviate the -extschedoption to -ext.

You can specify only one type of external scheduler option in a single -extschedstring.

For example, SGI IRIX hosts and AlphaServer SC hosts running RMS can exist in the same cluster, but they accept different external scheduler options. Use external scheduler options to define job requirements for either IRIX cpusets OR RMS, but not both. Your job runs either on IRIX or RMS. If external scheduler options are not defined, the job may run on IRIX but it does not run on an RMS host.

186Platform LSF Command Reference