The migration threshold is the time that a job dispatched to this host can remain


suspended by the system before LSF attempts to migrate the job to another host.


If the host’s operating system supports checkpoint copy, this is indicated here. With


checkpoint copy, the operating system automatically copies all open files to the


checkpoint directory when a process is checkpointed. Checkpoint copy is currently


supported only on Cray systems.


The long format shown by the -loption gives the possible reasons for a host to be






The host is closed by the LSF administrator or root (see badmin(8)). No job can be


dispatched to the host, but jobs that are executing on the host are not affected.




The host is locked by the LSF administrator or root (see lsadmin(8)). All batch


jobs on the host are suspended by LSF.




The host is closed by its dispatch windows, which are defined in the configuration


file lsb.hosts(5). Jobs already started are not affected by the dispatch windows.




The configured maximum number of batch job slots on the host has been reached


(see MAX field below).




The host is currently running an exclusive job.




The host is overloaded, because some load indices go beyond the configured


thresholds (see lsb.hosts(5)). The displayed thresholds that cause the host to be


busy are preceded by an asterisk (*).




LIM on the host is unreachable, but sbatchd is ok.




For EGO-enabled SLA scheduling, host is closed because it has not been allocated


by EGO to run LSF jobs. Hosts allocated from EGO display status ok.


Displays the CPU normalization factor of the host (see lshosts(1)).


Displays the dispatch windows for each host. Dispatch windows are the time windows during the week when batch jobs can be run on each host. Jobs already started are not affected by the dispatch windows. When the dispatch windows close, jobs are not suspended. Jobs already running continue to run, but no new jobs are started until the windows reopen. The default for the dispatch window is no restriction or always open (that is, twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week). For the dispatch window specification, see the description for the DISPATCH_WINDOWS keyword under the -loption in bqueues(1).

Platform LSF Command Reference 55