
Use -g with -slato kill jobs in job groups attached to a service class.

bkill does not kill jobs in lower level job groups in the path. For example, jobs are attached to job groups /risk_group and /risk_group/consolidate:

bsub -g /risk_group myjob

Job <115> is submitted to default queue <normal>.

bsub -g /risk_group/consolidate myjob2

Job <116> is submitted to default queue <normal>.

The following bkill command only kills jobs in /risk_group, not the subgroup /risk_group/consolidate:

bkill -g /risk_group 0

Job <115> is being terminated

bkill -g /risk_group/consolidate 0

Job <116> is being terminated

-Jjob_name Operates only on jobs with the specified job name. The -Joption is ignored if a job ID other than 0 is specified in the job_ID option.

-mhost_name -mhost_group

Operates only on jobs dispatched to the specified host or host group.

If job_ID is not specified, only the most recently submitted qualifying job is operated on. The -moption is ignored if a job ID other than 0 is specified in the job_ID option. See bhosts(1) and bmgroup(1) for more information about hosts and host groups.

-qqueue_name Operates only on jobs in the specified queue.

If job_ID is not specified, only the most recently submitted qualifying job is operated on.

The -qoption is ignored if a job ID other than 0 is specified in the job_ID option.

See bqueues(1) for more information about queues.

-ssignal_value signal_name

Sends the specified signal to specified jobs. You can specify either a name, stripped of the SIG prefix (such as KILL), or a number (such as 9).

Eligible UNIX signal names are listed by bkill -l.

The -soption cannot be used with the -roption.

Use bkill -s to suspend and resume jobs by using the appropriate signal instead of using bstop or bresume. Sending the SIGCONT signal is the same as using bresume.

Sending the SIGSTOP signal to sequential jobs or the SIGTSTP to parallel jobs is the same as using bstop.

You cannot suspend a job that is already suspended, or resume a job that is not suspended. Using SIGSTOP or SIGTSTP on a job that is in the USUSP state has no effect and using SIGCONT on a job that is not in either the PSUSP or the USUSP state has no effect. See bjobs(1) for more information about job states.


Operates on jobs belonging to the specified service class.

If job_ID is not specified, only the most recently submitted job is operated on.

78Platform LSF Command Reference