If LSF_ENABLE_DUALCORE=Y in lsf.conf for dual-core CPU hosts, lshosts -lalso displays if dual-core CPU license is enabled for the hosts and the number of dual-core licenses needed.


The thresholds for scheduling interactive jobs. If a load index exceeds the load threshold (or falls below the load threshold, for decreasing load indices), the host status is changed to “busy.” If the threshold is displayed as a dash “-”, the value of that load index does not affect the host’s status.

Resource-Based -s Option


Displays the static resources (shared or host-based). Each line gives the value and


the associated hosts for the static resource. See lsf.shared, and lsf.cluster on


how to configure static shared resources.


The following fields are displayed:


The name of the resource.


The value of the static resource.


The hosts that are associated with the static resource.


Reads lsf.cluster.cluster_name.

See also

ls_info, ls_policy, ls_gethostinfo, lsf.cluster, lsf.shared

Platform LSF Command Reference 249