is correct, but
is not valid.
LSF administrators can prevent running jobs from being killed when the reservation expires by changing the termination time of the job using the reservation (bmod
When the job starts running, the run limit of the reservation is set to the minimum of the job run limit (if specified), the queue run limit (if specified), or the duration of the time window.
The following command creates a
Reservation "user1#0" is created
The hosts specified by
The following command creates an advance reservation for 1024 job slots on two hosts hostA and hostB for user group groupA every Wednesday from 12:00 midnight to 3:00 a.m.:
Reservation "groupA#0" is created
The following command creates an open advance reservation for 1024 job slots on host hostA for user user1 between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. today.
Reservation "user1#0" is created
See also
Platform LSF Command Reference 155