

modifies user accounts for an entire Microsoft Windows workgroup


wguser [-r]user_name ...

wguser [-h]


CAUTION: You must run this command on a host in a Microsoft Windows workgroup. You should have administrative privileges on every host in the workgroup.

Modifies accounts on every host in the workgroup that you have administrative privileges on.

By default, prompts for a default password to use for all of the accounts, and then creates the specified user accounts on each host, if they do not already exist.

Use -rto remove accounts from the workgroup.


-rRemoves the specified user accounts from each host, if they exist.

user_name ... Required. Specifies the accounts to add or remove.

-hPrints command usage to stderr and exits.


For each host in the workgroup, returns the result of the operation (SUCCESS or FAILED).

312Platform LSF Command Reference