140 Chapter 7 Exchanging Messages
Tip Tapping a received text or multimedia message on the Home screen’s Messages tab also opens the contact’s Messages tab.
Replying to the contact in the conversation
While viewing the exchange of messages with a contact, you can directly enter and send your reply to the contact in the reply window at the bottom of the screen. You can reply with a text or multimedia message. See “Sending Text Messages” and “Sending Multimedia Messages” in this chapter for details on how to compose and send text and multimedia messages.
Tip Your reply will be sent to the phone number of the latest message received from the contact. If there are several numbers of the contact stored on your phone and you want to send your reply to another number, tap Menu > Recipient Phone Number and then choose another number.
Copying and pasting text to your reply message
When replying, you can select and copy text from any message in the conversation thread and paste it to your reply message.
1.Press and hold any word in the source message. The word will then be highlighted, and onscreen buttons for highlighting and copying text will appear on your screen.