276  Index


SD card & phone storage (Settings tab)  246

Security (Settings tab)  245 Send

-email  148

-multimedia message (MMS)  135

-text message (SMS)  134 Settings  243

Settings (System tab)

-Clear Storage  261

Settings tab (Home screen)  97 Share photos and videos from

Albums  217

Shortcuts  75

SIM Access Profile (SAP)  198 SIM card

- PIN  256 SIM Manager  229 Sleep mode  29, 252 Smart Dial  42 SMS  77, 134, 138

Social networking  168, 245 Soft reset  259

Sound & Display (Settings tab)  244 Speakerphone  48 Specifications  263

Speed Dial  51 Start screen  34 Status icons  31

Stocks tab (Home screen)  88 Stop running programs  256 Storage card

-encrypt  258

-store attachments  156

Streaming Media  176


-ActiveSync  129

-change information types  130

-music and videos  133

-via Bluetooth  131

-Windows Media Player  219

-Windows Mobile Device Center  126

-with computer  129

-with Exchange Server  157


Task Manager  256 Text entry  113

Text input settings  123, 246

Text messages (SMS)  108, 134, 138, 139 Troubleshoot

-sync connection  131

-Windows Media Player Mobile  222 Turn phone connection on and off  58 Twitter tab (Home screen)  97, 177 Type text  113


Uninstall programs  239

Updates & feedback (Settings tab)  247 Updates and events (Facebook)  110 Uploader  247

USB modem  186

USB to PC  131, 247, 255


Vibrate  38

Video capture mode  204 Video Share  52

Video Share capture mode  204

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Image 276
HTC NMRHOD00 user manual