. To call a number or contact, do one of the following:
•Tap the desired phone number or contact from the list.
•To call a different phone number associated with the contact,
tap the contact card icon on the right side of the contact name. On the contact summary screen, tap the number you want to call.
Tips • During a call, use the VOLUME UP/DOWN button on the side of your phone to adjust the phone volume.
•To save a phone number to your contacts, tap the button that appears on the right side of the phone number.
Calling voicemail
Number 1 is generally reserved for your voicemail. Press and hold this button on the Phone dialer keypad to call voicemail and retrieve your voicemail messages.
Making calls from received messages and calendar reminders
While you are viewing a text or email message, you can directly call the sender of the message if the sender is a stored contact on your phone. You can also call a phone number that is contained in the body of the message. For more information about calling from received text messages, see “Messages” in Chapter 3 and “Directly Making Calls from Text Messages” in Chapter 7. For more information about calling from received email, see “Mail” in Chapter 3 and “Directly making calls from email messages” in Chapter 7.
You can also directly make calls from meeting request email and calendar reminders. See “Making a Call from a Meeting Request or Reminder” in Chapter 8 for details.