162 Chapter 8 Working With Company Email and Meeting Requests
8.3 Starting a Conference Call from an Email
From an email message that you received in your Outlook work
account, you can directly start a conference call with the sender and
other recipients of the email.
On the Home screen, slide to the Mail tab and then select your
Outlook E-mail account.
Swipe your finger up or down the screen to browse through
received email. Tap an email message to open it.
Tap the To or Cc button.
Tip If you do not see the To and Cc buttons, scroll up the screen.
On the Select Contacts to Call screen, select the check boxes
of the sender and recipients who you want to join in your
conference call and then tap Conference.
Tip If you do not see the sender, scroll up the screen first so you can see
and select the sender.