Chapter 12 Camera and Multimedia 215
To view the next or previous photo in the current album
While holding your phone upright, view the next or previous photo by swiping your finger up or down the screen.
While holding your phone sideways, view the next or previous photo by swiping your finger left or right across the screen.
To zoom in or out on an photo
Tips • Use the zoom bar to zoom in on the center of the photo. Slide your finger to the right of the zoom bar to zoom in. Slide to the left of the zoom bar to zoom out.
•When you zoom in on a photo, tap and hold the screen to pan and
view other areas of the photo. When you zoom in on a photo, tap the screen, tap and then select Save Screen Image to save the zoomed in photo as a new file.
To set a favorite album
The Photos & Videos tab on the Home screen displays photos and video files from the current favorite album. By default, the Camera Shots album which stores the photos and videos you captured using the Camera is set as the favorite album. You can change to another favorite album, if preferred.
1.On the Albums main screen, tap Albums.
2.On the Albums tab ( ), tap the album you want to set as your favorite.
. Tap Menu > Set Album as Favorite, and
then tap OK.