112 Chapter 4 Staying Close
Checking a contact’s Facebook updates and events
To check only for a single contact’s Facebook updates and events, you can select the contact from the contacts list first and then go to the Updates and Events tab from the Contact Details screen.
1.On the Home screen, slide to the People tab and then tap All People.
2.Tap a contact to open the Contact Details screen.
. Tap the Updates and Events tab ( ).
. In the Events list, tap a Facebook event to open the Web browser and view more information about the event.
. In the Updates list, tap a Facebook update to open the Web browser and view details of that update.
Updating your Facebook status
You can share your thoughts to your Facebook contacts directly from your phone.
1.On the Home screen, slide to the People tab and then tap All People.
2.Tap Me to open your own contact card.
. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and then tap your Facebook name.
. Enter your status message in the provided text box and then tap Share.