Palette2 (ICE 55 Only)
If you havea high-end ICE 55 Flasher, youwill
alsohave the choice of Palette2 to display your
Red Strong Signal
Dense, large objects such as fish, thick
vegetation,or hardbottom, are usually displayed
as thickor thin red lines on the Flasher Dial.In
Palette 2, Red indicatesa strong sonar return

Green Medium Signal

Smallobjects such as fish, sparsevegetation, or
softbottom (sand or mud) are usuallydisplayed
as greenlines on the Flasher Dial. In Palette2,
Greenindicates a mediumsonar return signal.

Yellow WeakSignal

Light objectssuch as your jig, bait fish, sparse
vegetation,and sometimes microscopic activity
orturbulenceare displayed as yellowlines on the
FlasherDial. InPalette 2, Yellowindicates a weak
sonarreturn signal.
NOTE:Thelocation of an objectin
relation to the transducer can
influencehow it appears on the
FlasherDial. For example,a large
object might displayas a weak
sonarreturn signal if it is located
on the outer edges of the
transducer beam, where as a
smallobject located at the topof
thetransducerbeammight display
asa strong sonarreturn signal.