WEEEDIRECTIVE: EU Directive2002/96/EC “Wasteof Electrical and ElectronicEquipment
Directive (WEEE)” impactsmost distributors, sellers, and manufacturers of consumer
electronicsin the European Union.The WEEE Directive requiresthe producer of consumer
electronicstotake responsibilityfor the managementof waste from theirproducts to achieve
environmentallyresponsibledisposalduring the productlife cycle.
WEEEcompliance maynot be required in your locationfor electrical & electronicequipment
(EEE),nor may itbe required for EEEdesigned and intendedas fixed or temporaryinstallation
intransportation vehiclessuch as automobiles,aircraft, and boats.In some European Union
memberstates, thesevehicles are consideredoutside of the scope of theDirective, and EEE
forthose applicationscan be consideredexcluded from the WEEEDirective requirement.
This symbol(WEEE wheelie bin) on product indicatesthe product must not be
disposedof with other householdrefuse. Itmust be disposed of and collectedfor
recyclingand recovery of waste EEE.Humminbird® will mark all EEE productsin
accordancewith the WEEE Directive. It is our goalto comply in the collection,
treatment,recovery,and environmentallysound disposal of those products;however, these
requirementdo vary within European Unionmember states. For more informationabout
whereyou should dispose of yourwaste equipment for recyclingand recovery and/oryour
EuropeanUnion member staterequirements, please contactyour dealer or distributorfrom
whichyour productwas purchased.
ROHS STATEMENT:Product designed and intendedas a fixed installation or part of a
system in a vesselmay be considered beyond the scope of Directive2002/95/EC of the
EuropeanParliament andof the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restrictionof the use of
certainhazardous substancesin electrical and electronicequipment.