Sonartechnology is based on sound waves.The ICE Flasher Series™Fishfinder uses
sonar to locatestructure, bottom composition,as well as depth directly below the
transducer.YourICEFlasher Series™Fishfinder consistsof two components:the control
headand the transducer.Thecontrol headcontains the transmitterand receiver,as well
as the user controlsand display. The transduceris suspended beneath the water,
underneaththeice, and convertselectrical energyfrom the transmitterinto mechanical
pulsesor sound waves. The transduceralso receives the reflectedsound waves and
convertsthem backinto electrical signalsfor display on the FlasherDial.
NOTE:The transducer must be submerged in water for reliable transducer detection. The
bottomof the transducer should be even with the bottom of the ice or hang slightly below
thebottom of the ice.
YourICEFlasher Series™Fishfindersends a sound wavesignal and determinesdistance
by measuringthe time between the transmissionof the sound wave and when the
soundwave is reflected off of anobject; it then uses the reflectedsignal to interpret
depth,size, and compositionof an object.
Sonaris very fast.A sound wave can travelfrom the surfaceto a depth of 240 ft (70 m)
andback again in less than1/4 of a second.
SONAR is an acronym for SOund and
NAvigationRanging.Sonar utilizesprecision
soundpulses or “pings” which are emitted
into thewater in a teardrop-shapedbeam.
Thesound pulses “echo” backfrom objects
in the watersuch as the bottom, fish and
other submerged objects. The returned
echoes,or signals, are displayedas colored
lineson the Flasher Dial.
RealTime Sonar