Assemblingthe Base and Handle
In thisprocedure, you will installthe handle onto the base, and attachthe tie-down
strapsthat will be usedto secure the batteryto the base in a later procedure.
1. Installthe handle onto the base, so that the curvedpart of the handle faces
towardsthe back of the base, towardsthe battery well. Use the fourincluded
#8-32x 7/16" screws,two on each side,to attach the handle tothe base (see the
illustrationsInstalling the Handle Onto theBase and Sliding in the Handle).
Hand tighten only!
NOTE:The handle is keyed so that it only fits onto the base in one direction.
2. Turnthebase upside down, thenthread the two includedbattery tie-downstraps
fromthe bottom of the baseup through each side of the batterywell, using the
strapholes (see theillustration Attachingthe Battery Tie-DownStraps).
Attachingthe Battery Tie-Down Straps
Slidingin the Handle
Installingthe Handle Onto the Base