3. Movethetie-downstraps out of theway so that thebattery wellis fully accessible.
4. Holdthe foam padand the battery together,and slide theminto the battery well.
Makesure that the spade terminalsare on the left side of the batterywell and
thefoam pad fits evenlyaround the batterywell edges.
5. Pullthe two batterytie-down straps overthe top
of the battery and connect both ends of each
strap over the top. Make sure that the straps
arepulled tight around the battery and that the
batteryis seated securely in the battery well.
6. Slide the Battery Terminal Adapter over each
NOTE:TheBattery TerminalAdapterallows youto power
yourcontrolhead and chargeit at the same time.
Installingthe Battery TyingDown the Battery
NOTE: Do NOT connect the powercable to the battery at this time. You should
waituntil just before fishing to connect the power cable to the battery.