Thereare severaladditionalfunctions that youmay use by holding andpressing certain
keys.Additionalfeatures include:
Backlight:Press and hold theGain key to turn on andoff the backlight fornight fishing
andto save battery power- ICE 45 and 55 only.(On, Off; Default = Off)
Units:Press and hold the Noise keyin order to change the unitsof measure from feet
tometers or back again- ICE 45 and 55 only. (feet,meters; Default= feet)
Battery:Press and hold the Beam keyin order to see the percentageof power left on
Thebatterystatus will displayon the Flasher Dialfor approximately5 seconds, and then
theFlasher Dial willresume Normal operation.
ICE 35
Thepercentage of battery power is
indicated on the battery gauge,
which is located on the bottom of
the Range Scale. A green line will
be displayed between E and F to
indicate the percent age on the
battery gauge. Whenthe battery is
empty, the line will turn red. (On,
Off,Default = Off)
ICE 45/55
The percentageof battery power is
shownon the Active Display.When
thebattery isempty, the Voltageicon
willflash. (On, Off,Default = Off)
VoltageWillFlash When
theBattery isEmpty
Empty BatteryGauge
GreenLine Indicating
PercentageofBattery Power