When all theechoes are viewed within
thebeam, an easy to interpret multicolor
palette of sonar returnsignals appears
on the Flasher Dial. The ICE Flasher
Series™ Fishfinderplots the depth and
intensity of sonar returns from the
bottom,fish and structure.
The sound pulses are transmitted at
various frequencies depending on the
application. Your ICE Flasher Series™
Fishfindergives you the power to choose
the frequency and coverage of your
sonar.455 kHz provides narrow coverage
with the greatest definition. 240 kHz
provides wider coverage and a good
balance between depth p erformance
Thepower outputis the amount of energy
generated bythe sonar transmitter. It is
commonlymeasuredusing two methods:
• Root Mean Square (RMS) measures
poweroutput over the entire transmit
• Peak to Peak measurespower output
atthe highest points. Thebenefits of
increasedpower outputare the ability
to detect smaller targetsat greater
distances, abilityto overcome noise,
andenhanced depth capability.