Chapter 7
Figure 7-4
Filler node replacing system-missing values with 0
For more information, see the topic Functions Handling Blanks and Null Values in Chapter 8
on p. 156.
Working with Numbers
Numerous standard operations on numeric values are available in IBM® SPSS® Modeler, such as:
Calculating the sine of the specied angle—sin(NUM)
Calculating the natural log of numeric elds—log(NUM)
Calculating the sum of two numbers—NUM1 +NUM2
For more information, see the topic Numeric Functions in Chapter 8 on p. 138.
Working with Times and Dates
Timea nd date formats may vary depending on your data source and locale. The formats of date
and time are specic to each stream and are set in the stream properties dialog box. The follo wing
examples are commonly used functions for working with date/time elds.