Using IBM SPSS Modeler with a Repository
ESpecify connection settings to the repository if necessary. For more informatio n, seet he
topic Connecting to the Repository on p. 161. For specic port, password, and other connection
details, contact your local system administrator.
EIn the Repository: Store dialog box, choose the folder where yo u want to store the object, specify
any other information you want to record, and click the Store button. For more info rmation, see
the topic Setting Object Properties on p. 164.
Storing Nodes
Youcan store an individual node denition from t hec urrent stream as a .nod le in the repository,
from where it can be accessed by other users.
Tosto re a node:
ERight-click the node in the stream canvas and click Store Node.
ESpecify connection settings to the repository if necessary. For more informatio n, seet he
topic Connecting to the Repository on p. 161. For specic port, password, and other connection
details, contact your local system administrator.
EIn the Repository: Store dialog box, choose the folder where yo u want to store the object, specify
any other information you want to record, and click the Store button. For more info rmation, see
the topic Setting Object Properties on p. 164.
Storing Output Objects
Youcan store an output object from the cu rrent stream as a .cou le in the repository, from where
it can be accessed by other users.
Tostor e an output object:
EClick the object on the Outputs tab of the managers pane in SPSS Modeler, and on the main
menu click:
File > Outputs > Store Output...
EAlternatively, right-click an object in the Outputs tab and click Store.
ESpecify connection settings to the repository if necessary. For more informatio n, seet he
topic Connecting to the Repository on p. 161. For specic port, password, and other connection
details, contact your local system administrator.
EIn the Repository: Store dialog box, choose the folder where yo u want to store the object, specify
any other information you want to record, and click the Store button. For more info rmation, see
the topic Setting Object Properties on p. 164.