Chapter 11
Summary. Youcan enter a summary fo r your data mining project that will be displayed in the
project report.
Contents. Lists the type and number of components referenced by the projec t le (not editable).
Saveunsaved object as. Species whether unsaved objects should be saved to the local le system,
ors tored in the repository. For more information, see the topic About the IBM SPSS Collaboration
and Deployment Services Repository in Chapter 9 on p. 158.
Updateobject refer ences when loading project. Select thi s option to update the project’s references
to its components. Note: The les added to a project are not saved in the project le itself. Rather,
a reference to the les is stored in the project. This means that mo ving or deleting a le will
remove that object from the project.
Annotating a Project
The project pane provides a number of ways to annotate your data mining efforts. Project-level
annotations are often used to track “big-picture” goals and decisions, while folder or node
annotations provide additional detail. The Ann otations tab provides enough space for you to
document project-level details, such as the exclusion of data with irretrievable missing da ta or
promising hypotheses formed during data exploration.
Toannotate a project:
ESelect the project folder in either CRISP-DM or Classes view.
ERight-click the folder and click Project Properties.
EClick the Annotations tab.