Accessibility in IBM SPSS Modeler
Shortcut Key Function
Ctrl+End Withfocus on any control in the Expression Builder, this will
move thein sertion point to the end of the expression.
Ctrl+1 In the Expression Builder, moves focus to the expression edit
Ctrl+2 Inthe Expr ession Builder,moves focus to the function list.
Ctrl+3 Inth eE xpression Builder,mo ves focust o the eld list.


Tableshortcuts a re used for output tables as well as table controls in dialog boxes for nodes suchas Type,Filter, and Merge. Typically,you will use the Tab key to move between table cells andCtrl+Tabto leav et heta ble control. Note: Oc casionally,a scree n reader may not immediatelybegin reading the contents of a cell. Pressing the arrow keys on ce or twice will reset the softwareand start the speech.
Shortcut Key Function
Ctrl+W For tables, reads the short description of the selected roW. For
example, “Selected row 2 values are sex, ag, m/f, etc.”
Ctrl+Alt+WFor tables, reads the long description of the selected roW. For
example, “Selected row 2 values are eld = sex, type = ag,
sex = m/f, etc.”
Ctrl+D For tables, reads t he short Description of the selected area. For
example, “Selection is one row by six columns.”
Ctrl+Alt+D For tables, provides the long Description of the selected area.
For example, “Selection is one row by six columns. Selected
columnsa re Field, Type,Missing. Selectedrow is 1.”
Ctrl+T For tables, provides a short description of the selected columns.
For example, “Fields, Type,Missing.”
Ctrl+Alt+T For tables, provides a long description of the selected columns.
Forexa mple, “Selected columns are Fields, Type,Missing.”
Ctrl+R Fortables, providesthe number of Records in the table.
Ctrl+Alt+R For tables, provides the number of Records in the table as well
as column names.
Ctrl+I For tables, reads the cell Information, or contents, for the cell
that has focus.
Ctrl+Alt+I For tables, reads the long description of cell Information
(columnname and contents o f the cell) for the cell that has focus.
Ctrl+G For tables, provides short Generalselection information.
Ctrl+Alt+G Fortab les, provides long General selection information.
Ctrl+Q For tables, provides a Quicktoggle of the table cells. Ctrl+Q
reads long descriptions, such as “Sex=Female,” as you move
through the table using the arrow keys. Selecting Ctrl+Q again
will toggle to short descriptions (cell contents).