Accessibility in IBM SPSS Modeler
Cluster Viewer only
The Cluster Viewer has a Clusters view that contains a cluster-by-features grid.
Tochoose the C lusters view instead of the Model Summary view:
EPress Tabrepea tedly until the View button is selected.
EPress Down Arrow twice to select Clusters.
From here you can select an individual cell within the grid:
EPress Tabrepea tedly until you arrive at the last icon in the visualization toolbar.
Figure A-1
Show Visualization Treeicon
EPress Tabon ce more, then Spacebar, then an arrow key.
The following keyboard shortcuts are now available:
Shortcut Key Function
Arrow key Moves focus between individual cells in the grid. The cell
distribution display in the right-hand pane changes as the focus
Ctrl+, (comma) Selectso rd eselects the entire column in the grid in which a cell
has focus.
Toadd a column to the selection, use the arrow keysto navigate
toa cell in that column and press Ctrl+, again.
Tab Movesf ocus out of the grid and onto the next screen control.
Shift+Tab Moves focus out of the grid and back to the previous screen
F2 Enters edit mode (label and description cells only).
Enter Savesed iting changes and exits edit mode (label and description
cells only).
Esc Exits edit mode without saving changes (label and description
cells only).
Shortcut Keys Example: Building Streams
Tomake the stream -building process more clear for users dependent on the keyboard or on a
screen reader, following is an example of building a stream without the use of the mouse. In this
example, you will build a stream containing a Variable File node, a Derive node, and a Histogram
node using the following steps:
Start SPSS Modeler. When IBM® SPSS® Modeler rst start s, focus is on the Favorites tab
of the node palette.
Ctrl+DownArrow. Moves focus from the tab itself to the body of the tab.
Right Arrow. Moves focus to the Variable File node.