Building Streams
Streams croll rate. Specify the scrolling ra te for the stream canvas to control how quickly the
stream canvas pane scrolls when a node is being dragged from one place to another on the canvas.
Higher numbers specify a faster scroll rate.
Iconname maximum. Specify a limit in characters for the names of nodes on the stream canvas.
Iconsize. Select an option to scale the entire stream view to one of a number of sizes between 8%
and 200% of the standard icon size.
Gridcell size. Select a grid cell size from the list. Thisnumber isused for alignin g nodes on the
stream canvas using an invisible grid. The default grid ce ll size is 0.25.
Snapto Grid. Select to align icons to an invisible grid pattern (selected by default).
Generatedicon pl acement. Choose where on the canvas to place icons for nodes generated from
model nuggets. Default is top left.
SaveAs Defa ult. The options specied appl y only to the current stream. Click this button to set
these options as the default for all streams.
Viewing Stream Operation Messages
Messages regarding stream operations, such as running, optimization, and time elapsed for model
building and evaluation, can easily be viewed using the Messages tab in the stream properties
dialog box. Error messages are also reportedi n this table.
ToView Stream Messages
EOn the File menu, click Stream Properties (or select the stream from the Streams tab in the
managers pane, right-click and then click Stream Properties on the pop-up menu).
EClick the Messages tab.
Alternatively, on the Toolsmenu, c lick:
Stream Properties > Messages