Customizing IBM SPSS Modeler

Customizing IBM SPSS Modeler Optio ns

There are a number of operations you can perform to customize IBM® SPSS® M odeler to your
needs. Primarily, this customization consists of setting specic user options such as memory
allocation, default directories, and use of sound and color. You can also customize the Nodes
palette located at the bottom of the SPSS Modeler window.

Setting IBM SPSS Modeler Options

There are several ways to customize and set options for IBM® SPSS® Modeler:
Set system options, such as memory usage and locale, by clicking System Options on the
Tools> Options menu.
Set user options, such as display fonts and colors, by clicking User Options on the Tools >
Options menu.
Specify the location of applications that work with SPSS Modeler by clickin g Helper
Applications on the Tools> Options menu.
Specify the default directories used in SPSS Modeler by clicking Set Directory or Set Server
Directory on the File menu.
Youcan also set options that app ly to some or all of your streams. For more information, see t he
topic Setting Options for Streams in Chapter 5 on p. 54.

System Options

Youcan specify the preferred la nguage or locale for IBM® SPSS® Modeler by clicking System
Options on the Tools> Options me nu. Here you can also set the maximum memory usage for
SPSS Modeler. Note that changes made in this dialog box will not take effect until you restart
SPSS Modeler.
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