Exporting to External Applications
Neural Net
Logistic Regression
Bayes Net
Statistics Model
The following model created in SPSS Modeler can be exported as PMML 3.2:
Decision List
Databasenative models . For models generated using database -native algorithms, PMML export is
available for IBM InfoSphere Warehouse models only. Models created using Analysis Services
from Microsoft or Oracle Data Miner cannot be exported. Also note that IBM models exported as
PMML cannot be imported back into SPSS Modeler.
PMML Import
SPSS Modeler can import and score PMML models generated by cur rent versions of all IBM®
SPSS® Statistics products, including models exported from SPSS Modeler as well as mo del or
transformation PMML generated by SPSS Statistics 17.0 or later. Essentially, this means any
PMML that the scoring engine can score, with the following exceptions:
Apriori, CARMA, Anomaly Detection, and Sequence models cannot be im ported.
PMML models may not be browsed after importing into SPSS Modeler even though they can
be used in scoring. (Note that this includes model s that were exported from SPSS Modeler
to begin with. To avoid this limitation, export the model as a generated model le [*.gm]
rather than PMML.)
IBM InfoSphere Warehouse models exported as PMML cannot be imported.
Limited validation occurs on import, but full validation is performed on attempting t o score the
model. Thus it is possible for import to succ eed but scoring to fail or produce incorrect results.