Using IBM SPSS Modeler with a Repository
Other Deployment Options
While IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services offers the most exten sive features for
managing enterprise content, a number of other mechanisms for deploying or exporting streams
are also available, including:
Export the stream and model for later use with IBM® SPSS® Modeler Solution Publish er
Export one or more models in PMML, an XML-based format for encoding model informa tion.
For more information, see the topic Importing and Exporting Models as PMML in Chapter 10
on p. 196.
Connecting to the Repository
EToconnect to the repositor y,on the IBM® SPSS® Modeler main menu , click:
Tools> Repository > Options...
ESpecify login options as required.
Settings are specic to each site or installation. For spe cicp ort and other login details, contact
your local system administrator.
Note: A separate license is required to access an IBM® SPSS®
Collaboration and Deployment Services repository. For more information, see
Figure 9-2
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Repository Login
Repository. The repository installation you want to access. Generally, this matches the name o f the
host server where the repository is installed. You can connect to only one repository at a time.
Port. The port used to host the connection, typically 8080 by default.
SetCredentials . Leave this box unchecked to enabl eth e single sign-on feature, which attempts
to log you in using your local computer username and password details. Ifsingle sign-onis
not possible, or if you check this box to disable single sign-on (for example, to log in to an
administrator account), a further screen is displayed for you to enter your credentials.