Chapter 8
Function Result Description
cdf_normal(NUM, MEAN,
Returns the probability that a value from the normal
distribution with the specied mean and standard
deviation will be less than the specied number.
cdf_t(NUM, DF) Real
Returns the probability that a value from Student’s t
distribution with the specied degrees of freedom will
be less than the specied number.
Bitwise Integer Operations

These functions enable integers to be manipulated as bit patterns representing t wo’s-complement

values, where bit position Nhas weight 2**N. Bits are numbered from 0 upward. These operations

act as though the sign bit of an integer is extended indenitely to the left. Thus, everywhere above

its most signicant bit, a positive integer has 0 bits and a negative integer has 1 bit.

Note: Bitwise functions cannot be called fro m scripts.

Function Result Description
~~INT 1 Integer
Produces the bitwise complement of the integer INT1.
Thatis, there is a 1 in the r esult for each bit position for
whichI NT1 has 0. It is always true that ~~ INT = –(INT
+1). Note that this function cannot be called from a
INT1|| IN T2 Integer
Theresult of thisoperation is the bitwise “inclusive or”
ofINT1 an d INT2. That is, there is a 1 in the result for
each bit position for which there is a 1 in either INT1
or INT2 or both.
INT1||/& IN T2 Integer
The result of this operation is the bitwise “exclusive
or”o f INT1 and INT2. That is, there is a 1 in the result
for each bit position for which there is a 1 in either
INT1 or INT2 but not in both.
INT1&& IN T2 Integer
Produces the bitwise “and” of the integers INT1 and
INT2. That is, there is a 1 in the result for each bit
position for which there is a 1 in both INT1 and INT2.
INT1&&~~ IN T2 Integer
Produces the bitwise “and” of INT1and the bitwise
complement of INT2. That is, there is a 1 in the result
forea ch bit position for which there is a 1 in INT1 and
a0 in INT2. This is the same as INT1&& (~~INT2) and
isu seful for clearing bits of INT1 set in INT2.
INT <<N Integer Producesthe bit pattern of INT1 shifted left by N
positions. A negative value for Nproduces a right shift.
INT >>N Integer Producesthe bit pattern of INT1 shifted right by N
positions. A negative value for Nproduces a left shift.
INT1&&=_0 INT2 Boolean Equivalentto the Boolean expression INT1 && INT2
/==0 butis more efcient.
INT1&&/=_0 INT2 Boolean Equivalent to the Boolean expression INT1 && INT2
==0 butis more efcient.