Chapter 5
Reformat SQL for improved readability. Species w hether SQL displayed in the log should be
formatted for readability.
Shows tatus for records. Species when r ecords should be reported as they arrive at terminal
nodes. Specify a number that is used for updating the statu s every Nrecords.
SaveAs Defa ult. The options specied appl y only to the current stream. Click this button to set
these options as the default for all streams.
Setting layout options for streams
These settings provide a number of options relating to the display and use of the stream canvas.
Figure 5-21
Settingdisplay layout options for a stream
Minimumstream c anvas width. Specify the minimu mw idth of the stream canvas in pixels.
Minimumstream c anvas height. Specify the minimu m height of the stream canvas in pixels.