Chapter 7
EDouble-click or click the yellow arrow button to add the eld or function to the expression eld.
EUse the operand buttons in the center of the dialog box to insert the operations i nto the expression.
Selecting Functions
The function list displays all available CLEM functions and operators. Scroll to select a function
from the list, or, for easier searching, use the drop-down list to display a subset of functions or
operators. Available functions are grouped into categories for easier searching.
Figure 7-7
Functionsd rop-downlist
Most of these categories are described in the Reference section of the CLEM language description.
For more information, see the topic Functions Reference in Chapter 8 on p. 133 .
The other categories are as follows.
GeneralFunctions contains a selection of some of the most commonly-used functions.
RecentlyUsed contains a list of CLEM functions used within the current session.
@ Functions contains a list of all the special functions, which have their names preceded
by an “@” sign.
DatabaseFu nctions. If the stream includes a datab ase connection (by means of a Database
source node), this selection lists the functions available from within thatd atabase, including
user-dened functions (UDFs).
Operators lists all the operators you can use when building expressions. Operators are also
available from the buttons in the center of the dialog box.
AllFunctio ns contains a complete list of available CLEM functions.