Chapter 5
Decimalplaces (standard,sci entific, currency). For number display formats, species th e number
of decimal places to be used when displaying or printing real numbers. Th iso ption is specied
separately for each display format.
Calculationsin. Select
Radianso r Degrees as the unit of measurement to be used in trigonometric
CLEM expressions. For more information, see th e topic Trigonometric Functions in Chapter 8
on p. 139.
SaveAs Defa ult. The options specied appl y only to the current stream. Click this button to set
these options as the default for all streams.
Setting optimization options for streams
Youcan use the Optimization settings to opt imize stream performance. Note that the performance
and optimization settings on IBM® SPSS® Modeler Server (if used) override any equivalent
settings in the client.
Note: Database modeling and SQL optimization require that SPSS Modeler Server connectivity
be enabled on the IBM® SPSS® Modeler computer. With this setting enabled, you can acc ess
database algorithms, push back SQL directly from SPSS Modeler, and access SPSS Modeler
Server. Tov erify the current license status, choose the following from the SPSS Modeler menu.
Help > About > Additional Details
If connectivity is enabled, you see the option Server Enablement in the License Status tab.
For more information, see the topic Connecting to IBM SPSS Modeler Server in Chapter 3 on
p. 13.