Building Streams
Figure 5-27
Specifying available values fora parame ter
Type. Displaysthe currently selected measurement level. You can change this value to reect the
way that you intend to use the parameter in IBM® SPSS® Modeler.
Storage. Displays the storage type if known. Storag e types are unaffected by the measurement
level (continuous, nominal or ag) that you choose for work in SPSS Modeler. You can alter
the storage type on the main Parameters tab.
The bottom half of the dialog box dynamically changes depending on the measurement level
selected in the
Type eld.
Continuous Measurement Levels
Lower. Specifya lo wer limit for the parameter values.
Upper. Specifyan upper limit for the parameter values.
Labels. Youcan specify lab els for any value of a range eld. Click the
Labels button to open a
separate dialog box for specifying value labels.
Nominal Measurement Levels
Values. This option allows you to specify values for a parameter that will be used as a nominal
eld. Values will not be coerced in the SPSS Modeler stream but will be used in a drop -down
list for external deployment applications. Using the arrow and delete buttons, you can modify
existing values as well as reorder or delete values.
Flag Measurement Levels
True. Specifya ag val uefo r the parameter when the condition is met.
False. Specify a ag value for the parameter when the condition is not met.
Labels. Youcan specify labels for the values of a ag eld.
Stream Deployment Options
The Deployment tab of the stream properties dialog box enables you to specif y options for
deploying the stream as a scenario within IBM® SPSS® Collaboration and Deployment
Services for the purposes of model refresh, automated job scheduling, or further use by IBM®