Chapter 5
Analytical Decision Management or Predictive Applications 5.x. A ll streams require a designated
scoring branch before they can be deployed; additional requirements and options depend on the
deployment type. For more information, see the top icS toring and Deploying Repository Objects
in Chapter 9 on p. 160.
Viewing Global Values for Streams
Using the Globals tab in the stream properties dialog box, you can view the global v alues set for
the current stream. Global values are created using a Set Globals node to determin e statistics such
as mean, sum, or standard deviation for selected elds.
Once the Set Globals node is run, these values are then available for a variety of uses in stream
operations. For more information, see the topic Global F unctions in Chapter 8 on p. 155.
ToView Global Values for a Stream
EOn the File menu, click Stream Properties (or select the stream from the Streams tab in the
managers pane, right-click and then click Stream Properties on the pop-up menu).
EClick the Globals tab.
Alternatively, on the Toolsmenu, c lick:
Stream Properties > Globals
Figure 5-28
Viewing global valuesavailable for the stream
Globalsavaila ble. Available globals are listed in this table. You cannot edit global values here,
but you can clear all global values for a stream using the Clear All Values button to the right of
the table.