Exporting to External Applications

About Exporting to External Application s

IBM® SPSS® Modeler provides a number of mechanisms to export the entire data mining process
to external applications, so that the work you do to prepare data and build models can be u sed to
your advantage outside of SPSS Modeler as well.
The previous section showed how you can deploy streams to an IBM SPSS Collaboration an d
Deployment Services repository to take advantage of its multi-user access, job schedulin g and
other features. In a similar way, SPSS Modeler streams can also be used in conjunction with:
IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage
Predictive Applications 5.0 applications
Applications that can import and export les in PMML format
For more information about using streams with IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage, see Opening a
Stream in IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage on p. 195.
Toexport a stream for use with Predictive Applications 5.0, follow the instructions for deploying
as a scenario. For more information, see the topic Deploying Stream s in Chapter 9 on p. 184.
For information on exporting and importing models as PMML les, making it possible to share
models with any other applications that support this format, see Importing and Exporting Models
as PMML on p. 196 .
Note: The Predictive Applications product has b een superseded by IBM® Analytical Decision
Management. Support for Predictive Applica tions will be withdrawn in a future release of SPSS

Opening a Stream in IBM SPSS Modeler Adv antage

IBM® SPSS® Modeler streams can be used in conjunction with the thin-client application IBM®
SPSS® Modeler Advantage. While it is possible to create customized ap plications entirely within
IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage, you can also use a stream already created in SPSS Modeler as
the basis of an application workow.
Toopen a stream in IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage:
EDeploy the stream in the IBM® SPSS® Collaboration and Deployment Services repository,
being sure to click the Deploy as stream option. For m ore information, see the topic Deploying
Streams in Chapter 9 on p. 184.
EClick the Open in IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage toolbar button, or from the main menu click:
File > Open in IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage
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