Building Streams
Figure 5-34
Stream with comments added
Others can then view these comments on-screen, or you can print o ut an image of the stream
that includes the comments.
Youcan list all the comments for a strea m or SuperNode, change the order of comments in the
list, edit the comment text, and change the foreground or background color of a comment. For
more information, see the topic Listing Stream Comments on p. 84.
Youcan also add notes in the form of text annotatio nst ostr eams, nodes and nuggets by
means of the Annotations tab of a stream properties dialog box, a no de dialog box, or a model
nugget window. These notes are visible only when theAnnotations tabis open, e xcept that
stream annotations can also be shown as on-screen comments. For more information, see the
topic Annotations on p. 86.
Comments take the form of text boxes in which you can enter any amount of text, and you can
add as many comments as you like. A comment can be freestanding (not attached to any stream
objects), or it can be connected to one or more nodes or model nuggets i n the stream. Freestanding
comments are typically used to describe the overall purpose of the stream; connectedcomments
describe the node or nugget to which they are attached. Nodes and nuggets can hav e more than
one comment attached, and the stream can have any number of freestanding comments.
Note: You can also show stream annotations as on-screen comments, though these cannot be
attached to nodes or nuggets. For moreinformatio n, see the topic Converting Annotations to
Comments on p. 85.