Appendix A
Shortcuts for Comments

When working with on-screen comments, you can use the following short cuts.

Shortcut Key Function
Alt+C Togglesthe show/hide comment feature.
Alt+M Insertsa new comment if comments are currently displayed;
shows comments if they are currently hidden.
Tab On the stream canvas, cycles through all the source nodes and
comments in the current stream.
Enter When a comment has focus, indicates the start of editing.
Alt+Enter or Ctrl+Tab Ends editing and saves editing changes.
Esc Cancels editing. Changes made during editing are lost.
Alt+Shift+Up Arrow Reducesthe height o ft he text area by one grid cell (or one pixel)
if snap-to-grid is on (or off).
Alt+Shift+Down Arrow Increases the height of the text area by one grid cell (or one
pixel) if snap-to-grid is on (or off).
Alt+Shift+Left Arrow Reduces the width of the text area by one grid cell (or one pixel)
if snap-to-grid is on (or off).
Alt+Shift+Right Arrow Increasesthe width of thetext area by o ne grid cell (or one pixel)
if snap-to-grid is on (or off).
Shortcuts for Cluster Viewer and Model Viewer

Shortcut keys are available for navigating around the Cluster Viewer and Model Viewer windows.

General - Cluster Viewer and Model Viewer

Shortcut Key Function
Tab Moves focus to the next screen control.
Shift+Tab Moves focus to the previous screen control.
Down Arrow Ifa dr op-down list has focus, opens the list or moves to the next
item on the list.
Ifa menu has focu s, moves to the next item on the menu.
Ifa th umbnail graph has focus, moves to the next one in the set
(or to the rst one if the last thumbnail has focus).
Up Arrow Ifa drop-down listis open, moves to the previousitem on the list.
Ifa menu has focu s,m oves to the previous item on the menu.
Ifa thumbna il graph hasf ocus, moves to the previous one in the
set( ort oth ela st one if the rst thumbnail has focus).
Enter Closes an open drop-down list, or makes a selection on an open
F6 Togglesfocus between the left- an d right-hand panes of the
Left and Right Arrows Ifa tab has focus, moves to the previ ouso r next tab.
Ifa m enuh as focus, moves to the previous or next menu.
Alt+letter Selects the button or menu having this letter underlined in its
Esc Closes an open menu or drop-down list.