Appendix A

Accessibility in the Interactive Tree Window

The standard display of a decision tree model in the Interactive Tree window may cause problems
for screen readers. To access an accessible version, on the Interactive Tree menus click:
View > Accessible Window
This displays a view similar to the standard tree map, but one which JAWS can read correctly. You
can move up, down, right, or left using the standard arrow keys. As y ou navigate the accessible
window,the focus in the Interactive Tree window moves accordingly. Use the Spacebar to change
the selection, or use Ctrl+Spacebar to extend the current selection.
Tips for Use
There are several tips for making the IBM® SPSS® Modeler environment more accessible to you.
The following are general hints when working in SPSS Modeler.
Exitingextended te xt boxes. Use Ctrl+Tab to exit extended text boxes. Note: Ctrl+Tab is also
used to exit table controls.
Usingthe Tab key rather than arrow keys. When selecti ngo ptions for a dialog box, use the Tab
key to move between option buttons. The arrow keys will not work in this context.
Drop-downlists. In a drop-down list for dialog boxes, you can use either the Escape key or the
Spacebar to select an item and then close the list. You can also use the Escape key to close
drop-down lists that do not close when you have tabbed to another control.
Executionstatus. When you are running a stream on a large database, JAWS can lag behind in
reading the stream status to you. Press the Ctrl key periodically to update the status reporting .
Usingthe node palette s. When you rst enter a tab of the node pal ettes, JAWSwill sometimes
read “groupbox” instead of the name of the node. In this case, you can use Ctrl +Right Arrow
and then Ctrl+Left Arrow to reset the screen reader and hear the node name.
Readingmenus. Occasionally, when you are rst opening a menu, JAWS may not read the rst
menu item. If you suspect that this may have happened, u se the Down Arrow and then the
Up Arrow to hear the rst item in the menu.
Cascadedmenus. JAWS does not read the rst level of a cascaded menu. If you hear a break in
speaking while moving through a menu, press the Right Arrow key to hear the child menu
Additionally,if you have IBM® SPSS® Modeler Text Analytics installed, the following tips can
make the interactive workbench interface more accessible to you.
Enteringdialog boxes. You may need to press the Tab key to put the focus on the rst control
upon entering a dialog box.
Exitinge xtended text boxes. Use Ctrl +Tabto exit extended text boxes an d move to the next
control. Note: Ctrl+Tab is also used to exit table controls.