Chapter 4. Updating IBM Director
If you plan to use IBM Director to manage the server, you must check for the latest applicable IBM Director updates and interim fixes.
To install the IBM Director updates and any other applicable updates and interim fixes, complete the following steps.
Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document.
1.Check for the latest version of IBM Director:
a.Go to http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/xseries/systems_management/ xseries_sm/dwnl.html.
b.If the
2.Install IBM Director.
3.Download and install any applicable updates or interim fixes for the server:
a.Go to http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/support/xseries/index.html.
b.From the Hardware list, select System x3950 or System x3950 E and click Go.
c.Click the Download tab.
d.Select any applicable update or interim fix that you want to download.
e.Click the link for the executable (.exe) file to download the file, and follow the instructions in the readme file to install the update or interim fix.
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