SSA Link Errors
SSA link errors can be caused by a number reasons, for example if:
Ÿ Power is removed from an SSA device
Ÿ An SSA device is failing
Ÿ An SSA device is removed
ŸA cable is disconnected.
Errors might be indicated in various ways, such as:
Ÿ A flashing link status (Ready) light on the SSA device at each end of the faili
Ÿ The indication of an open link when using the Disk Service Aid.
SSA Link Error Problem Determination
Instead | of | using the | normal | MAPs to solve a link error | problem, you can refer direc | |||||||
the | link | status | lights to isolate the failing FRU. The | descriptions | given | here show | ||||||
how |
| to do | this. |
| |||
In | an SSA loop, devices are connected through two or | more SSA links to an | SSA | RAID | ||||||||
Adapter. Each SSA link is the connection between two SSA | nodes (devices or |
| |||||||||
adapters); | for | example: |
| |||||
Ÿ | Disk drive to disk drive |
| ||||||
Ÿ | Adapter to disk drive module |
| |||||||
Ÿ | Adapter | to | adapter |
| |||
An | SSA | link | can | contain several | parts. When doing problem | determination, | think | of | the | |||
link |
| and | all | its | parts | as one | complete item. |
Here are some examples of SSA links. Each link contains more than one part.
Example 1
This link is between two disk drives that are in the same subsystem. It has three
SSA Subsystem
Disk Internal Drive 1Connection
Drive 2
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