T | text | trusted pairs 80, 84 |
tapping 122, 129 | adjusting fade setting for 121 | turning handheld on and off 3, 118 |
Task Preferences settings 70 | changing fonts for 119 | Tutorial 9 |
tasks | cutting and pasting 74 | U |
adding contact information to 35 | entering 17, 19, 125 | |
adding notes to 70 | resizing 73 | uniform resource locators (URLs) 108 |
assigning due dates to 67 | text messages | unread mail 102 |
attaching to email 70 | additional information for 37 | untimed events 34, 40 |
categorizing 68 | creating 37 | updating information 25, 26 |
combining with appointments 38 | deleting 106 | upgrading 126 |
completing 69 | managing 5 | URLs 108 |
creating 67 | opening 105 | USB sync cable 28 |
defining recurring 70 | sending 80, 84, 103, 104 | User Guide 24 |
displaying 68, 70 | setting preferences for 106 | usernames |
managing 66 | viewing 105 | Bluetooth 85 |
organizing 68 | finding in email addresses 95 | |
prioritizing 67 | thumbnails 54 | multiple users 27 |
saving 67 | TIFF files 49 | synchronize 28 |
setting alarms for 67, 70 | time | V |
sharing 70 | formatting 125 | |
Tasks application | reserving blocks of 43 | VersaMail application |
adding tasks 67 | scheduling 40 | adding attachments 101 |
additional information for 70 | setting 42, | additional information for 102 |
icon 5 | To Do lists. See tasks | benefits of 93 |
list 68 | touchscreen | downloading attachments 99 |
marking completed tasks 69 | aligning screen 122 | getting email 97 |
opening 67 | defined 122 | opening 94 |
overview 66 | tracking completion dates 70 | sending email 98 |
saving information in 67 | transferring | setting up email accounts |
securing contents 70 | applications 7 | software 8 |
setting display options for 68 | wirelessly 80 | videos |
technical assistance 24, 47, 65, 102 | transferring files 93 | copying 54 |
telephone numbers. See phone numbers | transferring information 27 | deleting 54 |
| travel guides 111 | displaying 54 |
| troubleshooting 122, 126, 131 | view formats 43 |
Tungsten™ E2 Handheld | 149 |