Touch Sensor
A single command is sent every time a fader is touched, and the same command is sent when the fader is released.
A user assigned value is sent when the fader is touched, a different value is sent when the fader is released.
A typical application is to use the touch sensor to arm a fader for writing automation moves, within software that supports automation and also support MIDI control of
Channel Switches
The Mute, Solo, Aux, and Select are user assignable, and bank switchable.
The labels, "Mute, Solo, and Aux" are purely for convenience, since those are designators of commonly used mix related functions.
You can program these switches to send MIDI Controller and MIDI Note commands.
A typical application is to use these switches for controlling software that supports mixer related functions and also support MIDI control of
These switches can be assigned to behave in two different ways, either momentary or latched.
Momentary means the switch is on only as long as you hold down the button. Latched means that the switch is press once for on, again for off.
The LEDs for each of these switches can be remotely controlled. For example, a sequencer can turn them on or off.