Basic Bank Switching and Encoder Selection
Prior to moving a fader, pressing a button above the faders, or turning an encoder knob, choose a Bank.
Press one of the four Bank switches to the right of the LCD.
The actual effect of the Bank switch is also dependent upon the number of
For example, with 3 Expanders connected, there are a total of 32 hardware fader channels. In that case, there are only two Banks available, Banks 1 and 2, for a total of 64 channels.
If there are 7 Expanders connected, you already have a total of 64 hardware faders. In that case, the Bank switch has no function and remains on Bank 1.
Indeed, one reason for adding Expanders is to reduce the necessity of Bank switching.
Encoder Selection
Prior to turning an encoder knob,
Press one of the four Bank switches to the right of the LCD.
Press a Select button at the top of a fader channel.
The Select button selects a set of 40 virtual encoders associated with that channel.
Press a Page button above the LCD.
The Page button selects one of the 8 Pages of 5 Encoders.