2 Installation
2.1Installation Environment
To ensure safety and utmost performance of the machine, the machine should not be used in a place.
1.Where it will be subject to extremely high or low temperature or humidity.
2.Which is exposed to direct sunlight.
3.Which is in the direct air stream of an air conditioner, heater, or ventilator.
4.Which puts the operators in the direct air stream of exhaust of the machine.
5.Which has poor ventilation.
6.Where ammonia gas might be generated.
7.Where it will be subject to sudden fluctuations in either temperature or humidity.
8.Which is near any kind of heating device.
9.Which does not have stable, level floor.
10.Where it may be splashed with water.
11.Which is dirty or where it will receive undue vibration.
12.Which is near volatile flammables or curtains.
➜If the machine is placed near a window, insure that the Screen faces inside, not the window.
2.2Usage Environment
In order to make sure the machine functions in good condition, please make sure the ambient environment satisfies the following requirements: