6: Setup Mode: Server Configuration
The host attached to the WiBox 2100E may communicate with other CoBos devices on the wireless network using the Lantronix Configuration Access Protocol (LCAP). This service is available on server port number 0x77FE (30718) and is fixed.
When the WiBox 2100E is in bridging mode, the LCAP port number is modifiable so that the LCAP service is available on the wired interface for WiBox 2100E configuration. See 11: Wireless Bridging for more information.
Config Server Port Number: (30718) ? _
Automatic Host MAC Detection
When Automatic Host MAC Detection is disabled (set to “N”) for bridging mode, the MAC address of the bridged host can be set. When enabled (set to “Y”), the MAC address of the bridged host is detected automatically. See 69.
Automatic Host MAC Detection <Y> ? _
Wired Host MAC <00:00:00:00:00:00:> <00> _
Note: You do not need a password to access the Setup Mode window by a serial connection.
If a DHCP server has automatically assigned the IP address and network settings, you can discover the unit by using the DeviceInstaller network search feature or Monitor Mode (see 9: Monitor Mode).
Note: When you enter Monitor Mode from the serial port with network connection enabled and issue the NC (Network Communication) command, you see the unit’s IP configuration.
There are three methods for assigning DHCP names to the unit.
Default DHCP Name: If you do not change the DHCP name, and you are using an IP of, then the DHCP name defaults to CXXXXXX (XXXXXX is the last 6 digits of the MAC (hardware) address shown on the label on the bottom/side of the unit). For example, if the MAC address is
Custom DHCP Name: You can create your own DHCP name. If you are using an IP address of, then the last option in Server configuration is Change DHCP device name. This option allows you to change the DHCP name to an alphanumeric name (LTX in our example).
Change DHCP device name (not set) ? (N) Y
Enter new DHCP device name : LTX
Numeric DHCP Name: You can change the DHCP name by specifying the last octet of the IP address. When you use this method, the DHCP name is LTXYY where YY is what you chose for the last octet of the IP address. If the IP address you specify is, then the DHCP name is LTX12. This method only works with
WiBox® 2100E Device Server User Guide | 48 |